Guiding Principles & Questions
Scholarship of Engagement for Societal Impact (SoE-SI)
Guiding Principles
The scope of the grant affects the degree to which one might address these goals. The list below is not exhaustive, and it is not generally necessary to address multiple goals in a SoE-SI proposal, as long as the broader societal impact goal is likely to have a desired societal outcome and is well planned. Accordingly, it is suggested that the five elements of the Criteria should be considered in the review process for SoE for Societal Impact activities. The website resources include (inter alia) recommended Guiding Principles and Guiding Questions for proposers and reviewers to consider when evaluating these elements.
The NRF values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to the achievement of societally relevant outcomes.
Such outcomes include, but are not limited to:
Full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities / HDI's
Improved [HDI-STEM] education and educator development at any level
Increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology
Improved well-being of individuals in society
Development of a diverse, globally competitive [HDI-STEM] workforce
Increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others
Improved national access to Societal Impact (SI) content
Increased economic competitiveness of South Africa [Mzansi]
Use of science and technology to inform public policy
Enhanced infrastructure for research and education
Suggested criteria to review a Societal Impact (SI) proposal
The guiding principles and questions component breaks down each of the five criteria by which NRF reviewers are instructed to review the broader impacts of a Societal Impact proposal. It also includes principles and questions to consider when developing a plan to address the criteria.
Website Resources
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