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Question 3

Is the plan for carrying out the proposed activities well-reasoned, well-organized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan incorporate a mechanism to assess success?

Guiding Principles

  • State the need and what would be contributed to the field by the proposed broader Societal Impact activity(s).


  • BI/SI goals and objectives should be aligned with measurable outcomes.


  • Methods for measuring the attainment of specific goals and outcomes should be explicitly stated.


  • Activities should be grounded in existing and relevant literature.

Guiding Questions

  • Is there a documented justification/need for the proposed Societal Impact activity/program?


  • Are the intended target audience/societal impacts of the activities described?


  • Have appropriate works of literature been sufficiently cited?


  • Are the goals and objectives clearly defined with measurable outcomes?


  • How will the outcomes be measured and who will be conducting the measurement?


  • Will an evaluation service be used?

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