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Scholarship of Research

Identifier (Tag)




About this Scholarship / Model

The Scholarship of Research (SoR), aligns with the epistemological dimension, thus directed by the ‘search for truthful knowledge’ by and through which to address challenges and inequalities in society. The SoR must be driven by innovative, significant and transformative results towards societal impact. Such significant and meaningful results would influence policy (i.e. science advice), generate innovative solutions and transform society through improved well-being (i.e SI).

Examples include but are not limited to: research founded knowledge transfer, applied research funded by government/industry, technology transfer, legislation, policy analysis (science advice), needs assessments, community-based action research (e.g. non-profit funded research), curriculum applied research, commercialization research.



Some content can only be accessed by UWC StaffPlease feel free to contact us if you need access.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

How to (where applicable)

Read the Senate approved SoE-SI framework.

Follow our suggested steps below:


Step 1
Follow our Guidelines based on our collaboration with ARIS (USA).

Step 2
Use our Budget Assist Template to enable you to improve the estimated budget of your SoE-SI initiative. 

Step 3
Start capturing your SoE-SI Proposal / SoE-SI Project based on the planning of your SoE-SI initiative(s). 

Step 4
Start plotting your impact on the Transformative indicators outlined on this site.

Step 5
Keep your SoE-SI footprint relevant by updating your ePortfolio of Evidence (your Digital footprint)

NOTE: All the auto-generated content is stored in our Central Database and (where applicable) in your personal Google Drive.

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