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Question 5

Are there adequate resources available to the PI to carry out the proposed activities? Is the budget allocated for transformative SI activities sufficient to successfully implement them?

Guiding Principles

  • Describe the resources provided by the PI’s institution and partnering institution/ organization(s).


  • Any substantial collaboration with individuals or collaborators not included in the budget should be described in the “Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources” section and documented in a letter of collaboration from each collaborator.


  • The budget justification should provide enough information for reviewers to evaluate the appropriateness of the necessary resources to conduct proposed BI/SI activity(s) and reach desired outcomes.

Guiding Questions

  • Does the institution(s) have the infrastructure to support the activities and the associated evaluation?


  • Does the budget justification match what is proposed in the project description in sufficient detail?


  • Is there proper documentation for resources or collaborations being utilized, but not included in the budget?


Please NOTE

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